Highlights Spectacular block-long mural Description Easy 1.5 hours These colorful, free outdoor art museums are scattered throughout San Francisco. Some are enormous and quite spectacular in person. Printable Map (pdf file) More Murals Precita Eyes Mural Arts This center provides a map of Mission murals and tours. 2981 24th Street near Harrison 415-285-2287 www.precitaeyes.org City Guides This organization offers two informative guided tours. (415) 557-4266 www.sfcityguides.org Updated 12/5/03 | Directions Start at the corner of Castro and Market Streets at the MUNI subway entrance. Facing the Castro Theater, turn right on Castro Street and walk 2 blocks. Right on 19th Street and walk 1 block. Collingwood Park mural / Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy mosaic At corner of 19th and Collingwood, a broken glass mosaic adorns the wall of the Academy. Turn left on Collingwood Street and walk 1/2 block, entering Collingwood Park to see the mural at the handball court painted in 1977 by Cynthia Grace. Proceed on Collingwood Street 1/2 block. Left on 18th Street and walk 6 blocks. Market Street mural Where 18th Street ends at Market, notice the long retaining wall mural across the street, painted in 1983 by Betsie Miller-Kusz and 135 contributors. Turn right and proceed down Market Street 7 blocks, passing your starting point. Baghdad Cafe mural At the intersection of Market, 16th and Noe Streets, notice the mural on the side of the restaurant facing 16th Street. Proceed down 16th Street 1-1/2 blocks and you will see on your left an unusual mural. Proceed 1/2 block to Church Street. Around corner to your right is a new cityscape mural. Turn around and proceed 2 blocks to Market Street. Right on Market Street and proceed 2 blocks. Arco Station mural At the intersection of Duboce and Market Streets, a large mural looms over the gas station. Backtrack down Market Street about 1 block. Veer right (not a hard right) onto Duboce Street (looks like an alleyway). Duboce Bikeway Mural The back wall of Safeway is painted with an immense, stunning mural almost the length of the block. Designed by artist Mona Caron, the project was sponsored by the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and coordinated by Joel Pomerant. The mural celebrates and enriches the car-free public space created by the new Duboce Avenue Bikeway -- the first time cars have been excluded from a San Francisco street to make room for bikes and pedestrians. The mural extols the joys of bicycling, walking, skating etc, but it also alludes to the political and ecological implications of choosing to get around by non polluting, low budget means. Walgreen's mural At the intersection of Duboce and Church Street is a mural on the side facing Church Street. Proceed on Duboce Street about 5 blocks. Harvey Milk Memorial Mural Enter Duboce Park. Beyond the playground is a recreation building on which is painted a mural by Johanna Poethig as a tribute to slain San Francisco supervisor and gay rights activist Harvey Milk. Return to Duboce Street and proceed 1 block uphill. Wall mural At the intersection of Duboce and Castro Street, to your right where Castro Street curves, is a retaining wall mural, painted by a local school. Left on Castro Street and walk about 7 blocks back to your starting point. |