Business Not As Usual Ixia Floral arrangements of unusual distinction and window displays that stop traffic. 2331 Market between Castro and Noe (415) 431-3134 Mon-Fri 9am-6:30pm, Sat 11am-6pm Cliffs Variety A hardware store unlike any youve experienced where you can buy a childrens Book of Farts with your drill bit. 479 Castro between 17th and 18th (415) 431-5365 Mon-Sat 9:30am-8pm WildCard Unusually distinctive cards for all tastes. 3979B 17th Street at Market and Castro (415) 626-4449 Daily 11am-8pm Get Lost Travel Just outside of the Castro across from the new GLBT Community Center, this travel bookstore worth a trip to see the extensive stock of travel books, maps, resources and gear. 1825 Market Street between Guerrero and Valencia (415) 437-0529 -- M-F 10am-7pm, Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 11am-5pm Joseph Schmidt Chocolates This exceptionally fine local chocolate must not be missed. The elaborate variety of truffles alone will send you into ecstasy, but other fanciful offerings are also available, all reasonably priced. 3489 16th Street near Sanchez (415) 861-8682 --- Mon-Sat 10am-6:30pm | Things to Experience The Castro Theatre This 1920s Art Deco repertory theatre shows restored classics, new foreign and independent releases, and anything out of the ordinary. Selected evening and weekend shows are preceded by live organ music which always ends with a rousing version of "San Francisco." 429 Castro Street between Market and 18th (415) 621-6120 |  | Garden Staircase Streets Walk The urban grid imposed on San Franciscos hills has helped create one of the citys best charms: streets transformed into staircases and gardens. A large concentration of these dot the hills surrounding the Castro. This walk takes in some of the city's scenic streets and panoramas. Cruisin' the Castro Trevor Hailey escorts you on a guided, informative adventure through San Francisco's world-famous gay neighborhood. The $40 per person cost includes brunch at a local restaurant. Tu-Sat between 10am and 2pm Reservations: (415) 550-8110 -- Cafe du Nord The best and brightest of the San Francisco music scene and beyond can be experienced at this subterranean club. 2170 Market Street between Sanchez and Church (415) 861-5016 -- Castro Murals A walk through the Castro takes you past several impressive murals, for anyone who enjoys this populist, outdoor art form. Castro Yoga According to their mission, they provide" the highest quality resources for physical and spiritual growth and health for our diverse community." Classes are mixed, providing a welcoming environment for male/female, straight/gay, and everything in-between. Schedules are available at 4530 18th Street at Douglas (415) 552-9644 The Body Ring Karma Moffett has been developing his healing ceremonies and body rings since 1976. He offers individuals a wonderful opportunity to experience the vibrational nature of his Tibetan Singing Bowls in a session he calls the Body Ring. 3895 18th Street between Sanchez and Church (415) 621-8135 -- |